public final class


extends java.lang.Object

implements Extractor



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-extractor', version: '1.0.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-extractor
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-extractor:1.0.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (


Extracts data from the MPEG-2 PS container format.


public static final intAUDIO_STREAM

public static final intAUDIO_STREAM_MASK

public static final ExtractorsFactoryFACTORY

Factory for PsExtractor instances.

public static final intPRIVATE_STREAM_1

public static final intVIDEO_STREAM

public static final intVIDEO_STREAM_MASK


publicPsExtractor(TimestampAdjuster timestampAdjuster)

public voidinit(ExtractorOutput output)

public intread(ExtractorInput input, PositionHolder seekPosition)

public voidrelease()

public voidseek(long position, long timeUs)

public booleansniff(ExtractorInput input)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final ExtractorsFactory FACTORY

Factory for PsExtractor instances.

public static final int PRIVATE_STREAM_1

public static final int AUDIO_STREAM

public static final int AUDIO_STREAM_MASK

public static final int VIDEO_STREAM

public static final int VIDEO_STREAM_MASK


public PsExtractor()

public PsExtractor(TimestampAdjuster timestampAdjuster)


public boolean sniff(ExtractorInput input)

public void init(ExtractorOutput output)

public void seek(long position, long timeUs)

public void release()

public int read(ExtractorInput input, PositionHolder seekPosition)


 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.extractor.ts;

import android.util.SparseArray;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.ParserException;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions;
import androidx.media3.common.util.ParsableBitArray;
import androidx.media3.common.util.ParsableByteArray;
import androidx.media3.common.util.TimestampAdjuster;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.extractor.Extractor;
import androidx.media3.extractor.ExtractorInput;
import androidx.media3.extractor.ExtractorOutput;
import androidx.media3.extractor.ExtractorsFactory;
import androidx.media3.extractor.PositionHolder;
import androidx.media3.extractor.SeekMap;
import androidx.media3.extractor.ts.TsPayloadReader.TrackIdGenerator;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.RequiresNonNull;

/** Extracts data from the MPEG-2 PS container format. */
public final class PsExtractor implements Extractor {

  /** Factory for {@link PsExtractor} instances. */
  public static final ExtractorsFactory FACTORY = () -> new Extractor[] {new PsExtractor()};

  /* package */ static final int PACK_START_CODE = 0x000001BA;
  /* package */ static final int SYSTEM_HEADER_START_CODE = 0x000001BB;
  /* package */ static final int PACKET_START_CODE_PREFIX = 0x000001;
  /* package */ static final int MPEG_PROGRAM_END_CODE = 0x000001B9;
  private static final int MAX_STREAM_ID_PLUS_ONE = 0x100;

  // Max search length for first audio and video track in input data.
  private static final long MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH = 1024 * 1024;
  // Max search length for additional audio and video tracks in input data after at least one audio
  // and video track has been found.
  private static final long MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH_AFTER_AUDIO_AND_VIDEO_FOUND = 8 * 1024;

  public static final int PRIVATE_STREAM_1 = 0xBD;
  public static final int AUDIO_STREAM = 0xC0;
  public static final int AUDIO_STREAM_MASK = 0xE0;
  public static final int VIDEO_STREAM = 0xE0;
  public static final int VIDEO_STREAM_MASK = 0xF0;

  private final TimestampAdjuster timestampAdjuster;
  private final SparseArray<PesReader> psPayloadReaders; // Indexed by pid
  private final ParsableByteArray psPacketBuffer;
  private final PsDurationReader durationReader;

  private boolean foundAllTracks;
  private boolean foundAudioTrack;
  private boolean foundVideoTrack;
  private long lastTrackPosition;

  // Accessed only by the loading thread.
  @Nullable private PsBinarySearchSeeker psBinarySearchSeeker;
  private @MonotonicNonNull ExtractorOutput output;
  private boolean hasOutputSeekMap;

  public PsExtractor() {
    this(new TimestampAdjuster(0));

  public PsExtractor(TimestampAdjuster timestampAdjuster) {
    this.timestampAdjuster = timestampAdjuster;
    psPacketBuffer = new ParsableByteArray(4096);
    psPayloadReaders = new SparseArray<>();
    durationReader = new PsDurationReader();

  // Extractor implementation.

  public boolean sniff(ExtractorInput input) throws IOException {
    byte[] scratch = new byte[14];
    input.peekFully(scratch, 0, 14);

    // Verify the PACK_START_CODE for the first 4 bytes
        != (((scratch[0] & 0xFF) << 24)
            | ((scratch[1] & 0xFF) << 16)
            | ((scratch[2] & 0xFF) << 8)
            | (scratch[3] & 0xFF))) {
      return false;
    // Verify the 01xxx1xx marker on the 5th byte
    if ((scratch[4] & 0xC4) != 0x44) {
      return false;
    // Verify the xxxxx1xx marker on the 7th byte
    if ((scratch[6] & 0x04) != 0x04) {
      return false;
    // Verify the xxxxx1xx marker on the 9th byte
    if ((scratch[8] & 0x04) != 0x04) {
      return false;
    // Verify the xxxxxxx1 marker on the 10th byte
    if ((scratch[9] & 0x01) != 0x01) {
      return false;
    // Verify the xxxxxx11 marker on the 13th byte
    if ((scratch[12] & 0x03) != 0x03) {
      return false;
    // Read the stuffing length from the 14th byte (last 3 bits)
    int packStuffingLength = scratch[13] & 0x07;
    // Now check that the next 3 bytes are the beginning of an MPEG start code
    input.peekFully(scratch, 0, 3);
        == (((scratch[0] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((scratch[1] & 0xFF) << 8) | (scratch[2] & 0xFF)));

  public void init(ExtractorOutput output) {
    this.output = output;

  public void seek(long position, long timeUs) {
    // If the timestamp adjuster has not yet established a timestamp offset, we need to reset its
    // expected first sample timestamp to be the new seek position. Without this, the timestamp
    // adjuster would incorrectly establish its timestamp offset assuming that the first sample
    // after this seek corresponds to the start of the stream (or a previous seek position, if there
    // was one).
    boolean resetTimestampAdjuster = timestampAdjuster.getTimestampOffsetUs() == C.TIME_UNSET;
    if (!resetTimestampAdjuster) {
      long adjusterFirstSampleTimestampUs = timestampAdjuster.getFirstSampleTimestampUs();
      // Also reset the timestamp adjuster if its offset was calculated based on a non-zero position
      // in the stream (other than the position being seeked to), since in this case the offset may
      // not be accurate.
      resetTimestampAdjuster =
          adjusterFirstSampleTimestampUs != C.TIME_UNSET
              && adjusterFirstSampleTimestampUs != 0
              && adjusterFirstSampleTimestampUs != timeUs;
    if (resetTimestampAdjuster) {

    if (psBinarySearchSeeker != null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < psPayloadReaders.size(); i++) {

  public void release() {
    // Do nothing

  public int read(ExtractorInput input, PositionHolder seekPosition) throws IOException {
    Assertions.checkStateNotNull(output); // Asserts init has been called.

    long inputLength = input.getLength();
    boolean canReadDuration = inputLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET;
    if (canReadDuration && !durationReader.isDurationReadFinished()) {
      return durationReader.readDuration(input, seekPosition);
    if (psBinarySearchSeeker != null && psBinarySearchSeeker.isSeeking()) {
      return psBinarySearchSeeker.handlePendingSeek(input, seekPosition);

    long peekBytesLeft =
        inputLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET ? inputLength - input.getPeekPosition() : C.LENGTH_UNSET;
    if (peekBytesLeft != C.LENGTH_UNSET && peekBytesLeft < 4) {
      return RESULT_END_OF_INPUT;
    // First peek and check what type of start code is next.
    if (!input.peekFully(psPacketBuffer.getData(), 0, 4, true)) {
      return RESULT_END_OF_INPUT;

    int nextStartCode = psPacketBuffer.readInt();
    if (nextStartCode == MPEG_PROGRAM_END_CODE) {
      return RESULT_END_OF_INPUT;
    } else if (nextStartCode == PACK_START_CODE) {
      // Now peek the rest of the pack_header.
      input.peekFully(psPacketBuffer.getData(), 0, 10);

      // We only care about the pack_stuffing_length in here, skip the first 77 bits.

      // Last 3 bits is the length.
      int packStuffingLength = psPacketBuffer.readUnsignedByte() & 0x07;

      // Now skip the stuffing and the pack header.
      input.skipFully(packStuffingLength + 14);
      return RESULT_CONTINUE;
    } else if (nextStartCode == SYSTEM_HEADER_START_CODE) {
      // We just skip all this, but we need to get the length first.
      input.peekFully(psPacketBuffer.getData(), 0, 2);

      // Length is the next 2 bytes.
      int systemHeaderLength = psPacketBuffer.readUnsignedShort();
      input.skipFully(systemHeaderLength + 6);
      return RESULT_CONTINUE;
    } else if (((nextStartCode & 0xFFFFFF00) >> 8) != PACKET_START_CODE_PREFIX) {
      input.skipFully(1); // Skip bytes until we see a valid start code again.
      return RESULT_CONTINUE;

    // We're at the start of a regular PES packet now.
    // Get the stream ID off the last byte of the start code.
    int streamId = nextStartCode & 0xFF;

    // Check to see if we have this one in our map yet, and if not, then add it.
    PesReader payloadReader = psPayloadReaders.get(streamId);
    if (!foundAllTracks) {
      if (payloadReader == null) {
        @Nullable ElementaryStreamReader elementaryStreamReader = null;
        if (streamId == PRIVATE_STREAM_1) {
          // Private stream, used for AC3 audio.
          // NOTE: This may need further parsing to determine if its DTS, but that's likely only
          // valid for DVDs.
          elementaryStreamReader = new Ac3Reader();
          foundAudioTrack = true;
          lastTrackPosition = input.getPosition();
        } else if ((streamId & AUDIO_STREAM_MASK) == AUDIO_STREAM) {
          elementaryStreamReader = new MpegAudioReader();
          foundAudioTrack = true;
          lastTrackPosition = input.getPosition();
        } else if ((streamId & VIDEO_STREAM_MASK) == VIDEO_STREAM) {
          elementaryStreamReader = new H262Reader();
          foundVideoTrack = true;
          lastTrackPosition = input.getPosition();
        if (elementaryStreamReader != null) {
          TrackIdGenerator idGenerator = new TrackIdGenerator(streamId, MAX_STREAM_ID_PLUS_ONE);
          elementaryStreamReader.createTracks(output, idGenerator);
          payloadReader = new PesReader(elementaryStreamReader, timestampAdjuster);
          psPayloadReaders.put(streamId, payloadReader);
      long maxSearchPosition =
          foundAudioTrack && foundVideoTrack
              ? lastTrackPosition + MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH_AFTER_AUDIO_AND_VIDEO_FOUND
              : MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH;
      if (input.getPosition() > maxSearchPosition) {
        foundAllTracks = true;

    // The next 2 bytes are the length. Once we have that we can consume the complete packet.
    input.peekFully(psPacketBuffer.getData(), 0, 2);
    int payloadLength = psPacketBuffer.readUnsignedShort();
    int pesLength = payloadLength + 6;

    if (payloadReader == null) {
      // Just skip this data.
    } else {
      // Read the whole packet and the header for consumption.
      input.readFully(psPacketBuffer.getData(), 0, pesLength);


  // Internals.

  private void maybeOutputSeekMap(long inputLength) {
    if (!hasOutputSeekMap) {
      hasOutputSeekMap = true;
      if (durationReader.getDurationUs() != C.TIME_UNSET) {
        psBinarySearchSeeker =
            new PsBinarySearchSeeker(
      } else {
        output.seekMap(new SeekMap.Unseekable(durationReader.getDurationUs()));

  /** Parses PES packet data and extracts samples. */
  private static final class PesReader {

    private static final int PES_SCRATCH_SIZE = 64;

    private final ElementaryStreamReader pesPayloadReader;
    private final TimestampAdjuster timestampAdjuster;
    private final ParsableBitArray pesScratch;

    private boolean ptsFlag;
    private boolean dtsFlag;
    private boolean seenFirstDts;
    private int extendedHeaderLength;
    private long timeUs;

    public PesReader(ElementaryStreamReader pesPayloadReader, TimestampAdjuster timestampAdjuster) {
      this.pesPayloadReader = pesPayloadReader;
      this.timestampAdjuster = timestampAdjuster;
      pesScratch = new ParsableBitArray(new byte[PES_SCRATCH_SIZE]);

     * Notifies the reader that a seek has occurred.
     * <p>Following a call to this method, the data passed to the next invocation of {@link
     * #consume(ParsableByteArray)} will not be a continuation of the data that was previously
     * passed. Hence the reader should reset any internal state.
    public void seek() {
      seenFirstDts = false;;

     * Consumes the payload of a PS packet.
     * @param data The PES packet. The position will be set to the start of the payload.
     * @throws ParserException If the payload could not be parsed.
    public void consume(ParsableByteArray data) throws ParserException {
      data.readBytes(, 0, 3);
      data.readBytes(, 0, extendedHeaderLength);
      pesPayloadReader.packetStarted(timeUs, TsPayloadReader.FLAG_DATA_ALIGNMENT_INDICATOR);
      // We always have complete PES packets with program stream.

    private void parseHeader() {
      // Note: see ISO/IEC 13818-1, section for detailed information on the format of
      // the header.
      // First 8 bits are skipped: '10' (2), PES_scrambling_control (2), PES_priority (1),
      // data_alignment_indicator (1), copyright (1), original_or_copy (1)
      ptsFlag = pesScratch.readBit();
      dtsFlag = pesScratch.readBit();
      // ESCR_flag (1), ES_rate_flag (1), DSM_trick_mode_flag (1),
      // additional_copy_info_flag (1), PES_CRC_flag (1), PES_extension_flag (1)
      extendedHeaderLength = pesScratch.readBits(8);

    private void parseHeaderExtension() {
      timeUs = 0;
      if (ptsFlag) {
        pesScratch.skipBits(4); // '0010' or '0011'
        long pts = (long) pesScratch.readBits(3) << 30;
        pesScratch.skipBits(1); // marker_bit
        pts |= pesScratch.readBits(15) << 15;
        pesScratch.skipBits(1); // marker_bit
        pts |= pesScratch.readBits(15);
        pesScratch.skipBits(1); // marker_bit
        if (!seenFirstDts && dtsFlag) {
          pesScratch.skipBits(4); // '0011'
          long dts = (long) pesScratch.readBits(3) << 30;
          pesScratch.skipBits(1); // marker_bit
          dts |= pesScratch.readBits(15) << 15;
          pesScratch.skipBits(1); // marker_bit
          dts |= pesScratch.readBits(15);
          pesScratch.skipBits(1); // marker_bit
          // Subsequent PES packets may have earlier presentation timestamps than this one, but they
          // should all be greater than or equal to this packet's decode timestamp. We feed the
          // decode timestamp to the adjuster here so that in the case that this is the first to be
          // fed, the adjuster will be able to compute an offset to apply such that the adjusted
          // presentation timestamps of all future packets are non-negative.
          seenFirstDts = true;
        timeUs = timestampAdjuster.adjustTsTimestamp(pts);